Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Can I Get My Home Ready For Spring?

When Winter Leaves, It Leaves Damage Behind

Though it's still freezing in many parts of the country, spring is right around the corner. There is no better time it’s time to make sure your plumbing and air conditioning systems are ready for Spring and Summer. Last year’s cold weather may have caused freezing-related breaks and leaks that won’t show up until you turn on the water. Or, this year's winter doesn't leave and this particular blog won't be needed for another couple of months. Let's hope not.

Wait to turn on your outside faucets and lawn sprinklers until after nighttime low temperatures are consistently above freezing (32° F) and once you do, remember to carefully check for leaks inside and outside your home. Or, you can CALL US and we’ll perform a complete Spring Inspection to make sure your home is ready for warm weather. Though there is a storm on it's way and a few more to come, it's never to early to prepare.

Spring Inspection:

- Faucet leak check

- Under-sink leak check

- Toilet leak check

- Water heater check-out

- Water Pressure test

- Main Water Shut-off check

- Comprehensive leak check

If you live in the Naperville-Plainfield-Aurora, Geneva-Batavia-St.Charles or Wheaton-Winfield-Warrenville-Glen Ellyn area, contact AquaTech Plumbing at 630-416-3555, 630-377-9555, or 630-462-3555 for a complete spring inspection.

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